St. Petersburg Federal Research Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The researchers of the institutes and administration of SPC RAS actively participated in the events of the XXIX International Agricultural Exhibition-Fair "Agro-Rus -2020" held in St. Petersburg form September 2-4, 2020.

Researchers from the IAERD- SPC RAS department of the economic and organizational problems in development of Agro-Industrial Complex  enterprises and department of prognosing the transformation of economic structures and land relations namely: N. A. Nikonova, Kh. A. Dibirova  participated in a conference “Harmonic development and environmental sustainability of rural areas. International projects within the framework of the Russia-South-Eastern Finland cross-border cooperation programs 2014-2021” and “INTERREG” of the Baltic Sea region 2014-2021.  Interim results and prospects".

Within the exhibition the SPC RAS Director Professor of RAS Andrey L. Ronzhin delivered a presentation "Technologies of SPC RAS in digitalization and robotization of the Agro-Industrial Complex" at the Conference "Information and Resource Digital Platform for Agricultural Development".

The  IAERD of SPC RAS Director V. N. Surovtsev and the SPC RAS Director A.L.Ronzhin made presentations at the workshop arranged by “Galactica” (Group of Companies the major independent producer of a wide range of dairy products)  with participation of The Russian Federation Ministry of Agriculture, where the problems of  organic milk production development were considered within “MOC” Project, that will require the SPC RAS competencies in  developing the production technologies for the introduced forage, grains and oilseeds crops in the Northern regions of non-Chernozem zone of Russia using the basic research groundwork of Novgorod SRAI - SPC RAS Branch.

For active participation in the events of the XXIX International Agricultural Exhibition-Fair "Agro-Rus - 2020" SPC RAS and its constituent institutions were awarded diplomas of The Russian Federation Ministry of Agriculture.