St. Petersburg Federal Research Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The project on improving the selection and breeding work in reindeer husbandry based on genetic research methods was launched in 2020 and is planned for 3 years. Its purpose is to study the genetic potential of the Nenets’ reindeer breed for further use in the selection of reindeer herds in the district.

The project covers several stages and directions like:  assessment of the gene pool and genetic anomalies using genetic analysis, as well as development of recommendations for obtaining highly productive breeding reindeers by reindeer herders.

At the moment, the technical task terms in regard to implementation of the work-plan in 2021 are being improved based on research done in 2020, and include the following accomplishments:

1. Сollection of data on the studied breeding reindeers’ conditions with due assessment of the herd structure, young animals reproduction and major business indicators according to the data of the primary zoo-technical accounting.

.2. Comprehensive assessment (valuation) of breeding deers of the breeding stock counting 100 heads. Formed the breeding core of the herd with Elite and 1st class animals.

3. Biological material сollection from over 100 adult female reindeers followed by its genetic analysis; specified the genetic diversity degree in the experimental reindeers’ herd. 


The width measurement in mamlakah by the Wilkens compass


Sampling of biological material for genetic research


Weighing a breeding deer



In the corral work chamber