St. Petersburg Federal Research Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

The results of the contest between young scientists and specialists for the best scientific work were announced at the SPC RAS Scientific Council Sitting on January 28, 2020. 17 applications from SPIIRAS staff members have been submitted to the contest.

The prize places have been assigned as follows:

1. The first place was awarded to the Senior Researcher of the Laboratory of Computer Security Problems, Candidate of Technical Sciences – Elena V. Fedorchenko for her work on "Analysis of information security, including cybersecurity and security from exposure to unwanted information”.

2. The second place award was shared by: 

  • Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Applied Informatics  and Problems  of Information Society – Mikhail S. Lytaev for his work  on “ Improving the methods of mathematical modeling for radio channels in the heterogeneous troposphere and urban environment with due account for the specifics of modern wireless communication systems”;
  • Researcher of the Laboratory of Speech and Multimodal Interfaces – Dmitry A. Ryumin for his work ”Mathematical, soft - and information- ware aimed at intelligent analysis of video and audio information for human-machine interaction».

3.  The third place award was shared by three applicants:

  • Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Computer Security Problems – Dmitry S. Levshun with a work “Design and verification of secure cyber-physical systems”;
  • Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Computer Security Problems – Xenia N. Zhernova with a work entitled: ”Models, algorithms and methods of human-computer interaction in the area of information security”;
  • Junior Researcher of the Laboratory of Computer Security Problems – Maxim V. Kolomeets with his work:  “Visual, statistical and intelligent analytics of malicious impacts in social networks”.