On February 26, 2021 Vyatka SATU hosted the 1-st National Scientific and Practical Conference: “Economic Security of Agricultural Complex: Ensuring Problems and Directions”. The Plenary Session was followed by presentations delivered at the Conference five sessions. Academician of RAS A.I.Kostyaev, IAERD – SPC RAS Chief Researcher, gave a talk dwelled upon the "Economic Security in Agro Food Sector."
Were discussed the issues of investment, food, information and personnel security of the agricultural complex; problems related to external and internal risks at the development of the agricultural complex in our country.
The conference used a mixed format. Over 90 articles from 30 Russian universities were submitted to the conference participation.
More details are available through the following link: https://vgsha.info/universitet/novosti-universiteta/i-nacionalnaja-nauchno-prakticheskaja-konferencija-jekonomicheskaja-bezopasnost-agropromyshlennogo-kompleksa-problemy-i-napravlenija-obespechenija-2/