St. Petersburg Federal Research Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

From April 14 - 17, 2021, XVI International Conference on Electromechanics and Robotics "Zavalishinsky Readings – 2021"was held at SPC RAS. SUAI and SPC RAS were the conference co-organizers in cooperation with Southwestern State University (SWSU) and Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (USNTU). The Conference participants have demonstrated and highlighted the latest Russian and international developments in robotics, automation, electric power engineering and control in technical systems; at the English-speaking session the key presentations were delivered by leading foreign and Russian scientists. The articles thoroughly reviewed and positively evaluated by the International Program Committee members will be published accordingly in collections of works "Zavalishin's Readings-2021" (in Russian) and "Zavalishin's Readings ER (ZR) - 2021" (in English).

The Conference Organizing Committee expresses its gratitude to all conference participants and key speakers! With a sincere hope for the further fruitful cooperation, and look forward seeing you again at the XVII International Conference on Electromechanics and Robotics "Zavalishinsky Readings–2022".