It is believed that right on February 07 the famous American science fiction writer Isaac Asimov formulated three basic laws of robotics:
- A robot cannot harm a person or, by its inaction, allow a person to be harmed.
- A robot must obey all orders given by a human, except when these orders contradict the First Law.
- The robot must take care of its own safety to the extent that does not contradict the First and Second Laws.
Robotics is one of the most interdisciplinary sciences. Congratulations to scientists, designers, programmers, engineers and experts in the subject areas of robotic complexes’ development and application in regard to their Professional Holiday!
SPIIRAS - SPC RAS actively does research in the field of modular, cloud, anthropomorphic robotics, creating ground robots and unmanned aerial vehicles, including those for agriculture:
- Developed group control of mobile robots in the intelligent space, 2015-2018.
- Developed principles of tasks’ distribution between service robots and means of cyber-physical intelligent space at multimodal user service, 2016-2018.
- Developed simulation of automated robotic means for transportation the accidents’ victims.
- Developed technological bases for controlling pairwise connections of homogeneous robots while configuring a swarm into three-dimensional forms, 2016-2018.
- Developed modeling and energy-efficient solutions for the problems of kinematics and dynamics of walking robots, 2017-2019.
- Developed strategies of the joint activity for heterogeneous robots controlled by intuitive human-machine interfaces at solving agricultural tasks, 2018-2020.