St. Petersburg Federal Research Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

A series of thematic interdisciplinary workshops has been launched at the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS), where professionals from various departments will be given an opportunity to deliver presentations in regard to developments prospective for introduction to various sectors of economy. The first two sessions dealt with the projects on eco-friendly technologies aimed at cleaning urban reservoirs from toxic microorganisms, as well as on the application of sapropel (deposits of plant and animal remains that accumulate at the lakes’ bottoms) in agriculture.

The launching workshop was held on April 18 at the premises of SPC RAS; three speakers were given a floor and presented their projects concerning safe purification of urban reservoirs from cyanobacteria.

In Russia as well as in other countries worldwide the "flowering" of cyanobacteria is a pressing problem for many reservoirs close to settlements, it can greatly pollute the water by toxic substances, including the harmful toxins that can negatively affect the human health (diseases of the skin, liver and other organs) in cases of bathing in or consuming water from reservoirs in the polluted area.

The first presentation delivered by a staff member of the Institute of Limnology of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IL RAS - SPC RAS) considered an approach to a prototype of an installation for environmentally friendly cleaning of urban reservoirs from cyanobacteria via ultrasound. The installation’s prototype tests were executed in several ponds in parks of St. Petersburg and turned out right successful.

The following two speakers (from the Scientific Research Center for Ecological Safety of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SRCES RAS- SPC RAS) and IL RAS - SPC RAS, respectively) dwelt upon the experience of developing and implementing algicides (a group of chemical compounds for cleaning reservoirs from plants) of a new type that allow for safe cleaning the reservoir from cyanobacteria.

To date, scientists have developed methods for obtaining the above compounds. Successful experiments on their use have also been run (including in reservoirs), and revealed high efficiency in suppressing harmful microorganisms.

According to all the speakers, the costs when realizing the proposed projects (algicides and installations for ultrasonic reservoirs’ cleaning) is much lower than those of existing imported analogues. Therefore, should the State and business expose an interest in these developments, the researchers of SPC RAS would be ready to shortly refine their samples and prototypes to the level of products for practical use in quite a short time.

On April 27, the second interdisciplinary workshop took place, and considered the technologies of sapropel implementation in agriculture.

The agenda was focused on discussing certain possibilities of using sapropel, as well as the impact of a sapropel-based biologics on the reproductive qualities of young cattle.

Researchers of IL RAS - SPC RAS dwelt upon application and discovery of sapropel useful properties, as well as upon its composition and classification. Sapropel is a multi–layered sediment accumulating at the bottom of fresh water reservoirs. It evolves from dead aquatic plants, remnants of living organisms and soil and, eventually, constitutes a unique fertilizer of natural origin.

When dredging in reservoirs, sapropel is a waste and negatively affects the marginality of fisheries enterprises. Therefore, the development of technologies for sapropel extraction and processing is a promising scientific direction.

Currently, the sapropel stock in the country is insufficiently studied, based on the available data (proceeding from the information on the lakes number, sediment thickness, etc.) it is only possible to determine the forecast stock. Sapropel is a source of humic substances rich in mineral impurities and trace elements for use as fertilizers and fodder additives.

Sapropel can be used as a natural fodder additive in the rations of all types of farm animals, as determined by its composition and active physiological effect on the body compared with synthesized fodder additives. Rationing of feedings varies and depends on the animals’ type and age.

Research results received by the team of Novgorod Research Agriculture Institute (NSRAI-Branch of SPC RAS) established that use of fodder additives contributes to an increase in the coefficient of digestibility, at that, blood counts of farm animals approach the physiological norm values, and the presence of hormone-like substances contained in sapropel improves the reproductive qualities of young animals both with permanent and with short-term periods use of sapropel-based biologics. At that, the animal's body receives the most complete totality of substances that contribute to enhancing the daily weight gain, to growth and development acceleration.

Introduction of technology developed at IL RAS - SPC RAS for the production of ultrafine humate - sapropel suspension in farm animals leads to a significant average daily gain of live weight.

Researchers of SPC RAS further proceed with the study of sapropel and its application.

The third workshop on technologies of digital transformation of agro-industrial complex is scheduled for May 17.