The third theme interdisciplinary workshop on technologies regarding the digital transformation of agro-industrial complex took place at the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS). The seminar happened on May 17 at the SPC RAS premises and was run in the already habitual hybrid format; four presenters spoke and delivered their projects on the digital transformation of the agro-industrial complex.
The workshop discussed prospective for improving the efficiency of feed production and dairy farming through the introduction of information and analytical support based on artificial intelligence technologies.
The first presentation delivered by the IAERD – SPC RAS researcher described the problems of digitalization of dairy farming and feed production in the Leningrad Region. The presentation made than by the SPIIRAS – SPC RAS research team served as a logical extension of the mentioned one, and reflected the methodological, methodological, technological basics of automation and intellectualization of monitoring and management processes at feed and milk production.
Two more presentations dwelt upon certain theoretical aspects in the development of digital transformation technologies. At that, were analyzed the features of developing the forecast and planning programs, analysis and management of production, financial, economic and investment activities of an agricultural enterprise, along with concepts and models for predictive evaluation of the effectiveness of digital transformation.
According to all speakers, the need to introduce new information technologies in agriculture is beyond any doubt
The workshop guests, including staff members of the Federal Scientific Agro-Engineering Center VIM, noted the urgent need for the speedy implementation of technologies and methods proposed by researchers of SPC RAS at the enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and livestock farms over the Leningrad Region.
The following workshop to be focused on geospatial data analysis and visualization technologies is scheduled for June 17.