The staff members of the Novgorod SRAI - branch of SPC RAS disregarding the conditions of extremely hot and dry summer of 2022 have thoroughly assessed the adaptive properties of the green mass for new varieties and varietals of the introduced annual crops.
The introduced crops have revealed a high adaptive potential and at the beginning of August, the yield of green mass (in cereals - at the phase of entering the tube, amaranth – at the budding phase) was:
Payza – 25 tons per hectar;
Millet – 21tons per hectar;
Mogar – 21 tons per hectar;
Chumiza – 22 tons per hectar;
Amaranth – 28 tons per hectar;
Sudanese grass – 30 tons per hectar;
Sugar sorghum – 28 tons per hectar;
Sorghum-Sudanese hybrid – tons per hectar.
New varieties and varietals of regularly used and newly introduced forage crops will ensure an uninterrupted supply of feed in the diets for farm animals through the growing season and improve the quality indicators of the raw materials produced with a due account for climate patterns of the Novgorod region.