Sergey Kholodkevich, Chief Researcher of the Laboratory of Bioelectronic Methods of GeoecologicalMonitoring at the St. PetersburgFederal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS), madetwo presentationsat Wenzhou University of China. Hiscommunications, in particular,considered methods cleaning the toxic cyanobacteria out of reservoirs.
During his visitSergey Kholodkevich attended a meetingwith Chinesecolleagues; it was decidedto launch a joint project intended for developing methods that implement magnetized water tosuppress cyanobacteria (i.e., the water affected by magnetic field).
First experimentsrevealed the promise of thisapproach. At that, the low toxicity of the magnetized water against other living organisms wasdemonstrated: during the experiment, 60% of the magnetized waterwas added to the aquarium withcrayfish, and the subjectwas putunder stress.However, within 10minutes, the crayfish had completely restoredits previousheart rate.Currenyly, the scientistswork onpatenting the proposed method.
Special unmanned surface-to-airrobot is planned to be used in the future for hyperspectral monitoring of water areas andwater magnetic treatment. Specialistsfrom SPC RAS willparticipate in itsdevelopment. Monitoring of the effects of magnetized water on the health of aquatic animals is supposed to be exercised via a technology developedat SPC RAS under the leadership of Sergey Kholodkevich.
Following the visit, representatives of the management of Wenzhou Universityhighlighted the special importance of cooperation with SPC RASin innovativeresearch projects onenvironmental issues.
Happy Birthday to Sergey Viktorovich from the SPC RAS staff members and sincere wish of new world-class scientificachievements!