St. Petersburg Federal Research Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

SPC RAS tookpart in the "RUSSIAN MODERN AVIONICS– 2024" forum, held in St.Petersburg from April26 -27 on the basis of the First CadetCorps Manege.

This annual Forum is a platform for dialoguebetween professionals in the field of avionics, aircraft andhelicopter construction, as well as representatives of business, government, massmedia, educational institutionsand publicorganizations interested indeveloping industry andsafe mannedand unmannedaircraft systems. TheForum is organized by JSC “Navigator”.

The main topics covered by presentations and discussions in2024 were:"Technological potential for the development of the aviation industry","Growth points andchallenges of the aviation industry",as well as issues of creating safemanned and unmannedaircraft systems. An importantcomponent of the Forum is the work with youngscientists, researchers andstudents who presentedtheir projectsat the exhibition, aswell as their ideaswithin the framework of the track for "YoungSpecialists".