St. Petersburg Federal Research Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Sixth Session of the United Nations EnvironmentAssembly (UNEA-6) was held in a hybrid format fromFebruary 26 toMarch 01, 2024at the headquarters of the United Nations EnvironmentProgramme (UNEP), Nairobi,Kenya.

Major task of the Assemblywas to provide worldgovernments, civil societygroups, the scientific communityand business an opportunity to continue shapingglobal environmental policy basedon strongscience, political determinationand interactionwith society. A striving was displayed to get focused onhow the inherent multilateralismof the UN EnvironmentAssembly can possibly help to copewith the triple planetarycrisis of climate change, loss of the natural environment andbiodiversity, as well as the consequences of environmental pollution by various wastes,including highly toxic ones.Resolutions on topicalenvironmental issues were expected to appear in a result of the work.  Quite a number of draft resolutions wereconsidered at the meetings of the Assembly, the thematic committeesof the permanent member countries and experts fromJapan, the Republic of Malawi,Switzerland, Cuba, India,Sri Lanka,etc. participatedin the development of proposals forresolutions.

Sixth Session of UNEA was attended by the representative Russian delegation,including the RAS Committeeon the United Nations EnvironmentProgramme, at whose suggestionand inconnection with the request of Deputy Minister of NaturalResources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Anoprienko S.M.,the officialinterdepartmental delegation of the Russian Federationincluded a leading expert of the Committee, Chief Researcher of SRCES RAS -SPC RASDoctor of Technical Sciences V.K.Donchenko. Working in the expert group of the RAS Committeeon the United Nations EnvironmentProgramme, he made a significant contribution to the eleboration of Russian proposals andcomments on draftresolutions included in the Assembly's agenda. Comments developed by the Russian sidewere includedin the proposals of the Russian Federationto the resolutions of the 6th session of the UN Environment Assembly(UNEA-6) like: 

1. Resolution on the implementation of a closed-loop economy using the example of the sugar industry.

2. Resolution on nature-orientedsolutions to supportsustainable development. 

3. Resolution onstrengthening water policyto ensuresustainable development. 

4. Resolution on the sound management of waste andchemicals. 

5. Resolution on the transition to a closed-loopeconomy. 

6. Resolution oncascade systems. 

Details of the Sixth Session of the UN Environment Assembly(UNEA 6) available at: