St. Petersburg Federal Research Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Jointresearch work of SPC RASand VietnamState TechnicalUniversity named after LeKui Donstarted ten years agoafter the signing of a Cooperation Agreement in 2014.During 2018-2022, jointwork was performed  within the framework of Grants No.21-57-54001 and 18-57-54002with financialsupport from the Russian Foundation for Basic Research and the Vietnamese Academy of Sciencesand Technology.

Under the supervision of Professor Andrey L. Ronzhin , threeCandidate of Sciences theses were completed and defended by Vietnamese researchers ,also a joint monograph was published in the Springer Publishing House: Ronzhin A.L., T.Ngo, V.Wu, Nguyen Groundand AirRobotic Manipulation Systems inAgriculture. Springer, SwitzerlandAG. A referencelibrary on intelligentsystems. Volume 214. 282p. .

Since2023, cooperation between Russian and Vietnamesescientists has also been aimedat creatingtechnological foundations andprototypes of software and hardware for systems of roboticmaintenance of cage aquaculturebased on artificial intelligencetechnologies and the Internet of Things. This willensure a reduction of the environmental burden onfreshwater and marineareas withintensive fish farming activities indifferent climatic zonesin Russiaand Vietnam.

On June 03, 2024, a delegation of researchers from the Vietnamese StateTechnical University named after Le Kui Donpaid a visit the laboratories of SPC RAS. As a result of the meetings, futurepromising areas of scientific, organizational and educationaljoint activities were identified.