St. Petersburg Federal Research Center
of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Scientific and educational resource“Pushkin Digital” is presentedwithin the program of St. Petersburg InternationalEconomic Forum (SPIEF2024). The team of developers is represented by : staff member of the St. Petersburg FederalResearch Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS)Nikolai Tesla. Hespoke aboutthe artificialintelligence based solutions that were implementedunder of the project

On June 6, within the framework of XXVII St. PetersburgInternational Economic Forum, the presentation of the “Pushkin Digital” project took place. The event was attended by Denis Sekirinsky,Deputy Minister of Scienceand HigherEducation of Russia, aswell as by the project team members: Nikolai Teslya, SeniorResearcher of the Laboratory of Integrated AutomationSystems at SPC RAS,  ValentinGolovin, Director of the Institute of Russian Literature(Pushkin House) of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Svetlana Nikolova,Deputy Director, curator of the project, Researcher of the Pushkin House,participant of the project GavriilBelyak and Polina Kolozaridi, Head of the Educational Program"Digital Methods inHumanitarian Studies" at ITMO University.

 “Today we celebrate the 225th anniversary of the birth of Alexander SergeevichPushkin. His important role for Russian culture is difficult to exaggerate. So, he is considered the creator of the Russian language.Therefore, I am trulypleased to start the morningtoday with a discussion of the “Pushkin Digitalproject”, that is the fruit of  collaboration of several leadingscientific and educational centers.This project is extremely important forus inregard to many different directions,starting with elementaryreading and ending with serious research. Today, our colleagues will present the interimresults of the work, and the project will be launched in a more complete formby October19,” Denis Sekirinsky said.

Scientists of the Pushkin Housetold about the history of the project origin, its methodologicalcomponent and the creativeheritage of Pushkin, underlying the resource. In particular, we are talking about the development of a digital database containingover 15thousand manuscripts of the poet. In addition,within the framework of the project, severalthematic events for a wide audience will be organized in parallel with the launch of the website for the digitalresource.

“SPC RAS team made its best to put its broadly recognized competencies to bring together the enormous amount of heterogeneous  informationprovided by colleagues, including sources, research,comments, into a single database.Within the created ontologicalmodel, various sources are connected by a huge number of old and newlinks, including thosethat, forvarious reasons, readersand researchershave notseen before. Thiswas achievedthrough text processingmethods and specialsoftware, neural networksthat wedeveloped for the project,”explained Nikolai Teslya.

Presentation of the “Pushkin Digital”project and the celebration of the poet's anniversary will continue beyond the SPIEF in the GreatHall of the Pushkin House. Special exhibition  "MyBest Opus". The Pushkin House of BorisLvovich Modzalevsky", timed to the 150th anniversary of the Pushkin House founder: B.L. Modzalevsky will take place at the same locality. .These events fall in the framework of the “Science on the Spit” festival.

St. Petersburg InternationalEconomic Forum operates from 5to 8June. Traditionally, SPIEF isone of the most authoritative platforms in the country fordiscussing economic, politicaland technologicaldirections of development of Russia and the world with the participation of top officials of different states. The theme of this year's forum is "The Foundation of a Multipolar World is a Formation of New GrowthPoints."