Staff members of the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS) have developed an application that allows for automatic detecting the bots engaged in cyberattacks. The new approach first and foremost studies open data on the bots’ development as based on a variety of parameters (metrics), whose analysis also allows for determining the bot’s type. The developed application can possibly be used by companies implementing social networks for commercial purposes to uncover and counter targeted malicious impacts. The results of the study are published in the international journal Social Network Analysis and Mining.
Read moreOn May 26 took place the ceremony of awarding the winners of St. Petersburg Government prizes for outstanding scientific results in science and technology that was held in conjunction with the City Day – the Day of St. Petersburg Foundation.
Read moreSt. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS) researchers have developed software for physicians, that based on electrocardiogram (ECG) data determines the probability of a fatality for patients with cardiovascular diseases. In the future, the development will allow medical doctors for prognosticating what sufferers of the heart primarily need special attention and enhanced therapy.
Read moreSt. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, in conjunction with the Institute of Management Systems of the Ministry of Science and Education of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ISU MNOAR, Baku, Azerbaijan) and Wenzhou University (WZU, Wenzhou, China), is holding the 8th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Robotics (ICR 2023), October 25-29, 2023, Baku, Azerbaijan:
Read moreConference is jointly organized by Indian research institutes (IT Dharwad, IIIT Dharwad, NIT Goa, KLE Tech, KIIT Gurugram) in cooperation with the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS),
Read moreProfessionals of the St. Petersburg Federal Research Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (SPC RAS) have learned to recognize human speech by lips via artificial intelligence algorithms and "computer vision". The development will contribute to improving the accuracy of voice assistants in noisy environment, like, crowded places or at controling heavy machinery.
Read moreResearchers of SPC RAS have developed a domestic digital system for managing the agro-industrial facilities. The development operates on domestic software, it can be individually configured for efficient and automated production of various types of agricultural products and controlled remotely via the Internet from personal computer or smartphone.
Read moreCongratulations to the staff members of SPC RAS on receiving grants from the Russian Science Foundation!
Read moreAnton Savelyev, Head of the Laboratory of Autonomous Robotic Systems at SPC RAS, Polina Chernousova, Head of the Scientific and Organizational Department at SPC RAS, Konstantin Kamynin, Software Developer of the Laboratory of Autonomous Robotic Systems at SPC RAS. Dina Asfar, Specialist of the “Engineering Garage” Department of the Engineering School at the State University of Aerospace Instrumentation, Alexander Tristanovtold, Director of the Institute for Digital Technologies of the Kaliningrad State Technical University - told about the prospects and possibilities of introducing the complex into educational practice, the development of a ground-based robotic platform for online learning of programming in Python, methodological manuals on setting up robots and developing software as part of training courses
Read moreRight now, robotics is one of the leading research areas that opens up great opportunities for enhancing automation and labor productivity in various sectors of the Russian economy – from industry and agriculture to space exploration and cargo delivery.
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