Rospotrebnadzor specialists annually register an extremely high level of microbiological contamination in the Gulf of Finland water areas adjacent to the St. Petersburg Resort District and ban the swimming there.
Read moreAll the developments have been executed by the SPC RAS ARS Laboratory team in conjunction with students representing the Engineering Garage of the SUAI Engineering School.
Read moreSRCES RAS was established as an institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences in accordance with the Decision of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences of March 19, 1991 No.74 and the Decree of the Presidium of the Leningrad Scientific Center of the USSR Academy of Sciences of April 2, 1991 No.01-78.
Read moreThe educational program "Leaders of Scientific and Technological Breakthrough" implemented through the Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO by the order of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation under the project: "Improving the Managerial Human Resource Capacity at Scientific and Educational Organizations of Higher Education, Subordinate to the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, as Aimed at Ensuring Global Competitiveness".
Read moreWithin the meeting framework were considered certain options of agricultural production development in regard to crop production and animal husbandry under the state programs and with an attraction of investment funds.
Read moreSPC RAS does large-scale interdisciplinary research aimed at developing methods, algorithms and technical means for monitoring the state of ergate systems’ operators in the professional activity process.
Read moreSPC RAS was actively involved in holding on its basis the online event in commemoration of the UN International Day. SPC RAS hosted the international conference "75 Years of the UN" — "Memory Dialogue".
Read moreThe State Duma Deputy S.V.Yakhnyuk paid a visit to SPC RAS in order to be acquainted with information and analytical services based on the processing of geospatial data of aerospace imagery.
Read moreThe Plenary Session was followed by presentations delivered at the Conference five sessions. Academician of RAS A.I.Kostyaev, IAERD – SPC RAS Chief Researcher, gave a talk dwelled upon the "Economic Security in Agro Food Sector".
Read moreWithin the festival on March 24, 2021 from 12:00 to 13:30 will be presented UAV "Autonomous Wing".
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